Class RPC

Sends RPC requests to the RPC node, also has wrappers for actions that only read the network (write actions are handled by the Wallet class)

Hierarchy (view full)



  • Parameters

    • rpc_url: string
    • Optional use_pending: boolean = false

      If true, uses "pending" instead of "receivable" in RPC action names, for compatibility with older versions of the node

    Returns RPC


DECIMALS: undefined = undefined
debug: boolean = false
headers: undefined | Record<string, string>

HTTP headers to send with any RPC requests, defaults to { "Content-Type": "application/json" }

rpc_url: string
use_pending: boolean


  • The function that sends the RPC POST request

    Type Parameters

    • T extends Record<string, any>


    • payload: Record<string, any>

    Returns Promise<T>